Meritocracy in our daily lives
Some may think that the concept here, especially the points system, is completely different from what is common practice today, but I will quickly point out…
Some things never change
Reflections of István Bársony, hunter, writer, journalist, from his book Erdőn-mezőn (Through Forests and Meadows), published in 1894. "It is hard to make a…
Political shenanigans at school
In fact, there is no place for any ideology in publicly funded schools. Neither liberal nor conservative. They have only one purpose: indoctrination, to train…
Mind Upload
At first sight, the title might make it sound like we're filling our brains with, shall we say, knowledge, but we're not. We are uploading the brain itself, or…
Orwell points out
Let's look at an observation from George Orwell, who was quite ahead of his time in many ways. "It is undoubtedly possible to imagine a society in which wealth…
Not very often, but unfortunately we still run into just enough people who look at meritocracy with surprise or a contemptuous smile, as if the concept makes…
Information on Meritocracy
Egyik facebook látogatónk másfél éve, feltehetően a kérdésben való elmélyülés nélkül, orwelli világnak vélte a meritokratikus koncepciót. Ennek okán…
China as meritocracy? You must be kidding.
Ez az angol nyelvű videó szépen megmutatja azt, hogy Kínában éppen hogyan sajátítják ki a meritokrácia fogalmát maguknak. Már a cikk leírásában is idézőjelbe…
Plato & Meritocracy
Platón a valaha élt legnagyobb filozófusok egyike, ha nem a legnagyobb. Korát messze meghaladó módon gondolkodott nagyon sok dologról úgy, ahogy előtte senki.
Why is nepotism problematic?
A társadalom egy része meglepően engedékeny a nepotizmussal szemben, az emberek alkalmasint könnyen átveszik a nepotisták vélekedését, miszerint: “De hát a…