The truth often hurts
The truth often hurts, but nevertheless:
Question everything!
You might be suspicious of this and scold us: even you?
Sure, go ahead.
Try to find something sneaky in this concept, something that hides a desire for power. If you think about the details, you won't find it.
It was not invented by shifty politicians, it was invented against shifty politicians. Unfortunately, there is a big problem, so you cannot operate with conventional solutions.
Do you suspect demagoguery in some of our writings?
Unfortunately, decades have gone by without us even getting to the point of raising the problems, let alone the solutions or at least proposals for solutions.
The media has made people accustomed not to face up to problems. There is a general attitude of 'the politicians will solve it', because that is their job. Yes, it should be their job, but they don't solve it because they are busy enriching themselves and enriching their environment.
If anyone thinks that this is demagogic, he is unfortunately part of the problem, because they are lenient and/or superficial about these serious issues that affect us all. Let us try to open our eyes, blinded by the media and party politics, and see what a mess the world has become in recent decades: sky-high public debt, unimaginable wealth disparities, brutal pollution, ignorance, dumbing down the masses, violence, indifference, the disappearance of vast mountains of public money, and so on.
There is a reason for all this and it is not the alignment of the stars. If we ignore this and say that man is just like that, then... well, then... what are we living for?