Toleráljuk-e az intoleranciát?

A Brit Meritokrata Párt egyik posztja következik, természetesen angol nyelven. A lényege, hogy miért is kéne tolerálni az intoleranciát. A beírás a vallásokkal kapcsolatos és azzal, hogy a liberalizmus olyan szintre emelte a "feltétel nélküli toleranciát", hogy ezáltal a saját létét illetve a társadalom egységét fenyegeti. Ez a szélsőséges hozzáállás egyszerűen ellenkezik a józan ésszel.

Mi magunk úgy látjuk, hogy ezt a kérdést jelenleg úgy lehet a legjobban kordában tartani, hogy az egyházak állami támogatását megvonjuk és ezáltal arra késztetjük őket, hogy más földi halandókhoz hasonló módon próbáljanak életben maradni, az így felszabaduló közpénzeket pedig fordítsuk mondjuk racionális köznevelésre, amely nem ideológiából táplálkozik és használható tudást ad.

Nem annyira mellesleg a fenti liberális "tolerancia" vezetett ahhoz is, hogy a nácik már megint köztünk élnek és masíroznak, közben pedig terjesztik a beteg eszméiket.

Íme a poszt:

“Why are you for universal principles (such as dignity, self-actualization, impartiality, rational imperatives, etc.) but you reject unconditional tolerance?”

It’s a simple matter of payoff and of what delivers the most positive liberty while also giving people enough negative liberty to become the best that they can be. In a society that espouses rational principles, it makes no sense to tolerate the intolerant, and to protect people who perpetuate harm against others on the part of their intolerance. Liberals go OUT OF THEIR WAY to apologize for religious intolerance and to give it an audience in the name of tolerance, hoping that the intolerant will eventually become like them. No, eventually, the intolerant will abuse the liberals’ goodwill and use them as a platform to perpetuate their intolerance even further.

Most organized religions, for instance, value the diktats of their faith over reason, and over the benefits of society as a whole. Only when religions are brought to value reason over faith may they be accepted into the rational social contract, otherwise they can’t be allowed to roam free. There are numerous sects in the US and Canada which promote child abuse as a policy, and the US and Canadian governments have done precious little to prevent, let alone stamp out such behaviour—they fear infringing on religious freedom more than they value protecting their own citizens.

We believe in a minimum amount of negative liberty needed for you to free yourself from the influences of family, religion, and peer pressure, so that you can self-actualize to the fullest. If you believe in this, you cannot believe in unconditional tolerance or unconditional religious freedom. The freedom of religions needs to be curtailed so that people can escape from abuse, determine their own beliefs, and come to their own conclusions without coercion, threats of ostracism, or threats of violence. You shouldn’t need to separate from your entire family or community just because you think differently, and nor should a religious family or community have the power to do this to you in order to punish you and make you an example to others who want to do the same. So, to reiterate, in order to have TRUE freedom of the person, you must curtail some freedoms of religions, and that means we need to let go of unconditional tolerance, and embrace conditional tolerance wedded to rational, universal principles.

We say that you mustn’t tolerate intolerance. Rationality must triumph over faith. Religions mustn’t dictate to individuals, the society, or to the state, but rationality must determine the limits of religion. This is not a paradox, this is the formula for true freedom.

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